The Bcool project
Bcool results
Bcool workpackages
The Bcool project
Bcool results
Bcool workpackages
An international collaboration
to study the dynamo generation
of magnetic fields in cool stars
The Bcool project gathers a large international team around a common science aim: progressing towards a better understanding of the dynamo generation of magnetic fields in cool stars, and of their impact on the evolution of stars and planetary systems.
The project is based on a long-term observing campaign with strong legacy value carried out with forefront instruments. We characterize stellar magnetic fields by applying state-fo-the-art data analysis and modelling techniques to these observations; and we develop new theoretical models based on our unique dataset.
Bcool also aims to foster new ideas and collaboration through the operation of an open mailing list, the organization of meetings and open calls to collaborations to our science workpackages.